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Baked Scallop With Cheese - Sò Điệp Đút Lò Phô Mai
Mô tả
Baked Cheesy Scallops - Nutritious and Decadent
Fresh live scallops, with their pinkish-white color, crispy sweetness, and abundant protein, calcium, iron, and B-group vitamins. The highlight of this dish is the exclusive cheese sauce from Sen Lua Dai Viet, a luscious, golden-yellow sauce that is smooth and savory. When cooked, the dish showcases vibrant colors, delightful aromas, and irresistible flavors. Just a glance is enough to make you crave it! Come to the restaurant and indulge in this enticing dish!
扇贝鲜活,色泽粉白,香甜香脆,富含蛋白质、钙,B维生素. 这道菜的亮点是来自Sen Lúa Đại Việt的独家芝士酱,一种甘美黄金色酱,光滑可口。 煮熟后,这道菜呈现出鲜艳的色彩、令人愉悦的香气和难以抗拒的味道。只一眼就足以让人欲罢不能的! 您还在等什么!赶快到Sen Lua Dai Viet餐厅享用这道诱人的菜肴吧!
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